About Me

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I've passed the threshold of my third decade and am pushing through with little or no interruption. I'm a designer at a paper in Northern California - formerly of North Carolina, but always Texan by birth. I have a beautiful wife, Sarah and a cat named Bob.

Monday, November 21, 2005

It was beautiful, but it was barely golf...

Went to attempt a round of golf this weekend with a couple of friends from the paper (names omitted here to protect the innocent). We took our criminally poor playing to the incredibly beautiful Spring Valley Golf Course in Milpitas (just outside San Jose). I shot above 100 and below 115. That's all I'll say about the scoring. But I will say my first drive was beautiful. After that I won't comment on any of my shots. Outside of the wonderful scenery of rolling hills, soft breezes, horseback riders and houses with incredible views, there were hang-gliders launching from the highest of the valley's hills. Breathtaking. Our golfing however, was breathtaking in a completely different manner.


Anonymous said...

Do you actually check your email 'cause I wanna tell you something?

Tribble said...

email away. By the way, glad you're happy about being back in Texas.