About Me

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I've passed the threshold of my third decade and am pushing through with little or no interruption. I'm a designer at a paper in Northern California - formerly of North Carolina, but always Texan by birth. I have a beautiful wife, Sarah and a cat named Bob.

Monday, November 21, 2005

Politics and art

The wife and I attended our first event as members of the San Jose Museum of Art this weekend. A special thanks to our connection and friend Karen Williams for setting that up. The presentation was the opening of the display: Visual Politics: The Art of Engagement, a very convincing display of the interconnected history of art and politics (mostly in the past 50+ years). The subject matter varied from Nazi Germany and Jewish suffering to the American Civil Rights movement to the Free Speech movement centered in Berkeley. It was a powerful and sometimes troubling exhibit. But as I've said before, my only rule for art is that it creates emotion by challenging the viewer. Art should make you feel some level of discomfort and help break you from your comfort zone. This exhibit was partnered by the work of Peter Selz who creates a very California-specific view of different political leaders and incidents of the last half century and the effects those movements have had on the exhibit's numerous artists. Very well organized and very worth the trip. If you're near San Jose, the exhibit is free. Go see it.

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