About Me

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I've passed the threshold of my third decade and am pushing through with little or no interruption. I'm a designer at a paper in Northern California - formerly of North Carolina, but always Texan by birth. I have a beautiful wife, Sarah and a cat named Bob.

Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Sushi, PLEASE!!!

Ok. So the wife and I are certified sushi addicts and in this town that can be tough. I'm serious, we're registered sushi offenders. Look it up, they have us on a list somewhere. We're not this bad, but at times we get close. Of course, she's got more control than I do. Being the much more mature 30-something (oops ... Probably shouldn't report that, she's 29 :) ), she usually stops before the foaming at the mouth stage. For me, well for proof of my will power see this, this or that. Anyway. Our problem is that we're both reformed small-town folk. And now that we live in a small town again (California DOES have small towns, this one, pleasantly), our timing is quite off. Sushi places, or restaurants in general here, close at 9 p.m. on weekdays and we seem to always hit the place pretty close to that cut-off time. So the wife and I tonight planned on going to our favorite place only to find out that it closed in 20 minutes. Luckily we got in before the place closed. Unluckily we sat down, menus in hand in time to get plenty of stares and plenty of bad service (one of the waitresses actually rolled her eyes at us). So, we left without eating, feeling completely unfulfilled and in dire straits. Actually we left in NEED of our sushi fix. But being the needy addicts we are, we traveled around town in search of any place open. Four places later we were able to find someone that would take us in (good thing too, because they don't offer IV injections of this stuff, no matter how desperate our need). Anyway, we settle on this tiny place, tucked in the back of a shopping center on Hopyard Ave, conveniently located next to a brewery. And long story, short. It worked out. They closed at 9:30, but were kind enough to allow us our fix. Friendly service, no matter how late it was. So we sat, with older owner as she ate at the table next to us. It was a great experience and very good sushi - either that or we were just dying for it at that point. So there is no moral to this story, what little story there is. Just good sushi (finally) and in the end a good tip for the folks that took us in.

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