About Me

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I've passed the threshold of my third decade and am pushing through with little or no interruption. I'm a designer at a paper in Northern California - formerly of North Carolina, but always Texan by birth. I have a beautiful wife, Sarah and a cat named Bob.

Monday, March 06, 2006

We're back and all new-and-improved-like

Ok. So I wasn't going to promise much, but I can't help but say that in the coming weeks you'll be hearing much more from me. Needless to say, my sleeping patterns have cycled back to the insomnia side and I'm quickly growing tired of watching old episodes of Family Guy on Cartoon Network (OK. That's a lie. I'm not really tired of watching Family Guy!, but I'm running out of shows I haven't seen). Anyway, take a look around, you'll notice a new look to the site, another sign that my insomnia has returned. There will be more improvements, more diary-like entries and other stuff that will prove I haven't actually found a remedy to my sleepless nights. Damn seasons. Can't trust them. I mean look at what happened after I moved to the Bay area. For the last two weeks we've gotten freaking snow. We never get snow. Never. Oh well. It's only March. Spring's getting loaded as we speak. So on to a quick update. Since we last spoke I've: Seen Norm McDonald at the Improv. Skied Squaw Valley! at Lake Tahoe (there a story coming on this). Been promoted at work. Driven down Highway 1 from San Francisco to Santa Cruz. Got the news that two of my best friends are getting married (to each other). Gotten addicted to a new gadget (my Blackberry, there's another couple of stories there). Gotten two bad haircuts (and one good one). Saw all but one of the Oscar-nominated Best Picture films (story there). And now written one more blog entry than I have in the last four weeks. So there. Updated. Stay tuned, there's more to come.


Anonymous said...

it could just be that you're oh, so sleepy, but you might want to run a spellcheck on your flag there.

btw, same time next monday afternoon?

Tribble said...

thank you for noticing. fixed. who says the world doesn't need copy editors. I, for one, say... of course we do. As for next Monday afternoon? But of course.

Anonymous said...

We're back? How many personalities are in there?

Anonymous said...

Must be a once a month thing.

Anonymous said...

you mean how often he posts?