About Me

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I've passed the threshold of my third decade and am pushing through with little or no interruption. I'm a designer at a paper in Northern California - formerly of North Carolina, but always Texan by birth. I have a beautiful wife, Sarah and a cat named Bob.

Saturday, February 04, 2006

Still MIA, but for now, a musical interlude

We here at eInsomnia continue to have some sort of bug in our updating software and have been unable to post solidly for some time. According to the government's recently released statement, the name of the worm that could be causing our system's malfunction is SLEEP. However, as the young, former-Weezer fans in line at the Spoon show would say, this is a quick "shout-out" to inform my loyal readers ( I know of at least TWO - Keep the comments coming! ) that I have in my possession my very own two-day pass to the 2006 Coachella Valley Music Festival!

Come on now. This is serious music muscle. The lineup includes Franz Ferdinand (I'm Your Villian), My Morning Jacket, Daft Punk, Wolf Parade, Tool, the Yeah Yeah Yeahs, Block Party, Coheed and Cambria, James Blunt, The Magic Numbers and much, much more.

By the way, check out an entire day of last year's show in two-minutes here.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

James Blunt! I'm so jealous. I know, that's probably who you are looking least forward to!