About Me
- Tribble
- I've passed the threshold of my third decade and am pushing through with little or no interruption. I'm a designer at a paper in Northern California - formerly of North Carolina, but always Texan by birth. I have a beautiful wife, Sarah and a cat named Bob.
Tuesday, April 24, 2007
Tripping out on the way to The Wedding...
Ok. So we're supposed to be close to landing at D/FW airport at this moment.
Obviously The Wife and I aren't.
Instead we're sitting at home watching Game 2 of the Miami-Chicago NBA playoffs. Why you ask?
Take a look at the map (you can click it to make it bigger). The Wife and I are way over there on the left in San Jose. The pre-wedding festivities for our friends Chris and Tiffany (hereby listed as "The Couple" and the festivities listed as "The Wedding") are way over there on the right. In between: scary red boxes.
Those little red boxes were so scary that "The Folks that Make Decisions" at Mineta/San Jose International Airport rescheduled our flight there twice today. After the second delay, Sarah and I decided not to press our luck (the "Folks Behind the Counter" couldn't promise we'd make our connection). So we opted out for a flight early Wednesday morning in hopes of reaching "The Wedding" by early tomorrow evening. We'll see.
But the fun didn't stop at our rescheduling. When we asked about our checked luggage, the "Folks Behind the Counter" said to go to baggage claim, it would be 10 minutes.
It was two hours. Talk about a good start to the trip.
Wish us luck tomorrow. I promise pictures and stuff when we return.
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UPDATE: Got up early this morning after another near-sleepless night - see the additional blog below this one. The wife took a 30 minute run and i took a 30 minute shower trying to blast myself awake. taxi to airport - love the yellow checkered cab co. - and went to check into our flights. CANCELLED. Again. all flights to DFW from san jose. stood in line for 1 1/2 hours just to be told: no chance to Raleigh. come back tomorrow. i pouted, the wife pounded her fist and pulled out the over-my-dead-body look - which those who know her means: no over-your-dead-body. the folks Behind The counter, sacred out me their minds, found up a flight ... out of OAKLAND! so a shuttle up the road and 4 hours later we await our flight with a connection through DFW! go figure. i don't feel so good about our chances. i wonder why?
UPDATE: Still at the Oakland airport 5.5 hours later. and we've now been in airports no further away from our house than 40 miles for 13 hours and we haven't even seen the inside of a plane. american airlines has been no help. They have had one line for two days: We're not liable for cancellations due to inclimate weather. so we've got nothing to show for our last two days in airports other than Sarah's 1/2 read book and a large bar tab. our latest piece of hope is a late flight to LAX and then the red-eye to Raleigh. that would get up there at 6:35 am tomorrow. a whole 24 hours AFTER I got up this morning. but my one goal - other than seeing my best friend and the closest thing I've ever had to a little sister get married - is to play a horrible round of golf with chris before he loses his bachelorhood. cheers and wish us luck.
UPDATEfinally. On a plane. and i won't even bitch that We're on a puddle jumper in the back next to the lavatory. at least We'll be airborne soon. maybe.
UPDATE: For those following along at home ... we have made our first connection at lax. flew over dodger stadium. stay tuned.
7 pm Sarah just got an email from american airlines saying our first cancelled flight from San Jose yesterday has now been confirmed. unbelievable.
7:42 pm First margarita goes down smooth. chicken burrito from El Cholo Cantina does as well. Mavs up by 4. Rock on!
8:30 pm margarita no. 4. had janitor in bathroox show me how to use the sensors no the bathroom sink. took a couple me tries. Mavs up by 7. Rock on!
10 pm finally. next stop: Raleigh. Mavs win. Rock on!
Its only been a month or so & I miss drinking with you.
Friday night. Drinks, laughs & cigs. Beautiful.
hope you guys make it OK. Give me a ring Mike.
6:43 an est Landed. Now in a taxi on our way to chapel hill. not much sleep on the red-eye, but that will be easily fixed. and hey our luggage made it too. cheers. and luke, first 40's on me.
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