About Me

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I've passed the threshold of my third decade and am pushing through with little or no interruption. I'm a designer at a paper in Northern California - formerly of North Carolina, but always Texan by birth. I have a beautiful wife, Sarah and a cat named Bob.

Friday, October 13, 2006

Friday, the day after the 12th ...

So I remember the sleepover I had for a birthday "party" many, many years ago. I couldn't have been more than 10. Four friends from the neighborhood and I snuck in late viewings of HBO while wrapped in our sleeping bags on the hardwood floor of my parents' living room in the "Jewel of the Forest," Jasper, Texas. The original "Friday the 13th was the last of several movies we watched that evening, and it was the one movie that gave me nightmares for months. Watching it now, it's slightly less scary than then. Actually, at times, it's a little bit funny. But those few sleepless nights, where I couldn't sleep because I swore I kept hearing in the "chh-chh-chh-chh-haa-haa" sound of the background music, continue to haunt me to this day ... well, sort of.

Happy Friday the 13.

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